
Purks Farm

CRLC worked with Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District to protect 124.3 acres of farmland in Henrico, and the livelihoods that depend on this land.
Home Projects Henrico Purks Farm
CRLC worked with Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District to protect 124.3 acres of farmland in Henrico, and the livelihoods that depend on this land.

Project Overview

Project Location
Henrico County, VA
Property Size
124.3 Acres
Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District
Acquisition Cost
for $0.00
Project Type

Defending Farmlands

Working with Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District as co-holders of the easement, Capital Region Land Conservancy protected 124 acres at Purks Farm with a conservation easement donated by Godsey Properties Inc at the end of 2020. This easement is one in a long series of easements focused on protecting agricultural resources and livelihoods in the Richmond region. The working farmland in Henrico County is now protected from conversion to low-density residential development. 

Located on Kingsland, Hoke Brady, and Varina Roads in Henrico County, the CRLC easement supports the goals of the Henrico County Comprehensive Plan and contains provisions to preserve the property’s multi-faceted conservation values, which include approximately 90 acres of priority agricultural lands as well as 30 acres of freshwater wetlands, and historically important battlefields adjacent to the Richmond National Battlefield Park.

Purks Farm Gallery