Donating Land

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Explore Land Donation

If you are interested in exploring the possibility of donating a conservation easement on your land, the first step is to complete our online form at the bottom of this page. Submitting this application does not obligate you to pursue an easement with CRLC or any other agency, but simply allows our staff to evaluate whether or not your property is a good match for an easement.

What can I expect next?

Once we’ve determined your property is a good candidate for an easement, we will discuss all options for the most appropriate easement holder as well as possible easement terms to meet your needs while protecting your land. If CRLC is the best fit, we will arrange a site visit to your property. From there, the process varies and may take as little as several months to more than a year to complete. A landowner is free to change his or her mind and suspend the process at any time prior to recording the Deed of Easement.

Will I need an attorney?

Yes, you will need an attorney to prepare a title report and be your representative in drafting the Deed of Easement. Your attorney will advise you about other experts with whom you may wish or need to consult such as a qualified conservation easement appraiser, accountant, or tax credit broker. Only an attorney and/or an accountant can advise you on potential federal tax deductions and state tax credits.

What are the possible tax benefits?

The Capital Region Land Conservancy is providing the following summary of the tax benefits of conservation easements for informational purposes only.

1. Federal Income Tax Deduction: The donation of an easement is treated as a charitable gift and the value of the easement (the value of the property pre-easement minus the value of the property post-easement) may be deducted from the donor's income for purposes of calculating income taxes.

2. Virginia State Income Tax Credit: The donor of a qualified easement donation is eligible for a Virginia income tax credit that is transferable.

3. Estate Tax Benefits The donation of an easement may result in a reduction in estate taxes.

Does CRLC charge a fee?

As of 2020, CRLC charges an application fee to consider a possible conservation easement. The fee is $500 and is due prior to a site visit by CRLC staff. A landowner is responsible for covering all expenses for appraisal, legal, title, and recordation, as well as a Baseline Documentation Report (BDR) and a suggested donation to cover perpetual stewardship costs. In some instances, CRLC may require a survey, title insurance, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, or other due diligence for which the landowner may incur the cost.

How to Apply

Our online application form (below) outlines the requirements of our process and our appraisal policy. You can print and complete this form and mail it to our land conservation manager, Jane Myers, at Capital Region Land Conservancy, P.O. Box 17306, Richmond, VA  23226 or scan and email it to

If you would rather have an initial conversation with our staff, you may call or e-mail Land Conservation Manager Jane Myers at (804)745-3110 or

Capital Region Land Conservancy Easement Application Form

Download and complete this form if you are interested in CRLC holding an easement on your property.

CRLC Easement Application (August 2023).pdf

Adobe Acrobat document [360 KB]
Download Application Form