Cowan Islands
It isn’t every day someone offers you a gift of three islands. Joan Cowan donated Grape, Hyde, and Watson Glenn Islands in the Appomattox River to CRLC.
It isn’t every day someone offers you a gift of three islands. Joan Cowan donated Grape, Hyde, and Watson Glenn Islands in the Appomattox River to CRLC.
The protection of 171 acres of forested wetlands on the scenic Chickahominy River in 2017 furthered Chesapeake Bay watershed and farmland protections.
Where River’s Bend Golf Course once operated until 2015 now is a natural area protected under a conservation easement by Capital Region Land Conservancy.
Five years after development threatened a wooded patch of land skirting Bryan Park, community members ensured the park buffer would be protected forever.
Through a gift of her 100-acre forested estate to Chesterfield County in 2011, Anna Atkins left a legacy of conservation for generations to enjoy.
The James River Park System easement was a level-up for CRLC. In 2009, CRLC worked with the City of Richmond Parks to record a conservation easement protecting the James River Park.
This 26.5-acre easement is located directly across from Dutch Gap Conservation Area, featuring mountain laurel-laden forests and bald eagle nesting habitat.
Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. donated 262 acres, complete with woodlands, a large pond, and James River frontage, to Chesterfield Parks in 2002.