Cowan Islands
It isn’t every day someone offers you a gift of three islands. Joan Cowan donated Grape, Hyde, and Watson Glenn Islands in the Appomattox River to CRLC.
It isn’t every day someone offers you a gift of three islands. Joan Cowan donated Grape, Hyde, and Watson Glenn Islands in the Appomattox River to CRLC.
300 years later, Westerham House is largely unchanged. Unless you count the herd of llamas that calls it home and a conservation easement covering 96-acres.
The protection of 171 acres of forested wetlands on the scenic Chickahominy River in 2017 furthered Chesapeake Bay watershed and farmland protections.
Where River’s Bend Golf Course once operated until 2015 now is a natural area protected under a conservation easement by Capital Region Land Conservancy.
For Connie Harriss, protecting her 230 year old home “Norwood” was her duty. The 145-acre property encompasses 112 acres of prime farmland on the James River.
For 25 years, Mark & Donna Romer and Dorothy Cleal agreed that they would not develop their adjoining properties. In November 2016, they made it official.
For nearly a decade, 4th-generation Varina landowner Virginia Lipford sought help protecting her nearly 10-acre family farm. In 2014, that dream came true.
In 2011, Ms. Tucker was determined to protect her 70-acres. Ever since, CRLC has protected Tucker’s land with that same determination under a co-held easement.
The James River Park System easement was a level-up for CRLC. In 2009, CRLC worked with the City of Richmond Parks to record a conservation easement protecting the James River Park.